Author Archives: Kevin

10 things I should be ashamed of … but I’m not

10. My blood feud with Michael Cera For years, the very sight of actor Michael Cera has launched me into a blind rage. When I see him in commercials or in magazines, I immediately want to bully him. I’m compelled … Continue reading

Posted in Geek Alert, Just Sayin', Music, Television | 29 Comments

It all started with a Big Bang

This is the way the world ends. Well, not the whole world. This is the way my world ends, then. You look confused. Let me back up a little. My name is Billy Bishop, but you may know me as … Continue reading

Posted in Comics, Fiction, Geek Alert, The End of the World | 1 Comment

Five signs the end is near: February 21, 2013

The meteor that slammed into the Chelyabinsk region last Friday must have seemed like something out of a Michael Bay movie to the poor Russians who witnessed it: loud, bright, fast and utterly incomprehensible. And like the first Transformers movie, … Continue reading

Posted in Geek Alert, Just Sayin', Movies, Music, Television, The End of the World | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

The enemy within

You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I’m a violent guy. No, really. First of all, I’m a consumer of violence. I’m drawn to thrilling crime fiction, in which sex is used as a weapon and bullets pierce … Continue reading

Posted in Comics, Essays, Geek Alert, Movies, Music, Sports | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Def Black Riot: The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle

Or: “Al Stewart, Tenacious D and the beginnings of my freelance writing career” Tenacious D, the mock-rock duo comprising actors Jack Black and Kyle Gass, announced recently that they’re looking to host Festival Supreme this October, a kind of Lollapalooza … Continue reading

Posted in Just Sayin', Media, Movies, Music, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Top 10 albums of 2012

I’m not a big fan of compiling “top 10” lists (despite having done so for more than a decade), as my tastes and favorites often mutate and evolve from one day to the next. But as a reader, I’m as … Continue reading

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Five signs the end is near: January 2, 2013

So Dec. 21, 2012—the date the Mayans supposedly singled out as the end of the world—has come and gone. But here in the scary, post-Mayan Calendar landscape of 2013, we face no shortage of troubling signs about the future: North … Continue reading

Posted in Geek Alert, Just Sayin', Music, Sports, The End of the World | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

On Regret

Before I turned 40 I’d already marked the passing of childhood friends who died too young, and felt the sharp pang of regret that I didn’t do enough to stay in touch while they were still alive. I decided I … Continue reading

Posted in Essays, Young Love | 2 Comments

Tranquilizers, hair metal, ocelots and Farscape: My checkered family history

Editor’s Note: The following text is a lecture on tranquilizers written and performed for Syllabus: Animal Husbandry on Wednesday, Sept. 26. Syllabus is an offshoot of Write Club Atlanta in which six guest “professors” each present a seven-minute “class” on … Continue reading

Posted in Just Sayin', Music, Out and About | 1 Comment

Fighting against the darkness

In the hours immediately following the July 20 shooting spree in Aurora, Colo., it felt like Sept. 12, 2001 all over again. The horrific murder of 12 innocents and the injury of more than 50 others brought a nation together—united … Continue reading

Posted in Just Sayin', Politics | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments