Saying goodbye

A little bit of housekeeping today: Since there’s no digital copy of it elsewhere on the Internet, posted below is my very last column as Editor in Chief of The Sunday Paper, which ran in its current and final issue, dated Feb. 6, 2011.KFM

Dear readers, you hold in your hands the final issue of The Sunday Paper.

As many of you know, the current economic climate is not a friendly one to print publications. And although we’ve been fortunate to enjoy a wide and dedicated readership these last several years, the fiscal challenges of putting out a quality newspaper in this environment have finally taken their toll.

Saying goodbye isn’t easy, and neither is attempting to thank everyone who’s made working at The Sunday Paper the most rewarding experience of my professional life. So I’ll keep it simple and offer a humble “thank you” to Patrick Best for the opportunity of a lifetime, to Kirsten Palladino for all of her hard work and support, and to all of our editorial, production and sales staffers, as well as all of our contributors and interns, past and present—you know who you are.

But this isn’t about us, and certainly not about me. This column, this issue, this paper, is, as it has always been, about you, our readers. I have never taken you for granted, and I’ve treated the trust you placed in The Sunday Paper as sacred, something that must be earned anew each and every week. Please know that I’ve always striven to live up to that trust, to do better, to do more, to give you a newspaper that not only informs and entertains you, but is worthy of your time. It has been my absolute honor and privilege to serve you.

Don’t shed any tears for me. I’ve had a fantastic, life-changing run the last six and a half years, the last three and a half as Editor in Chief. I’ve made many great friends and met many more amazing, wonderful, talented and driven people. I couldn’t be prouder of all of them, or of the work we’ve done. I have absolutely no regrets.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your lives each week. It’s been a blast. SP

Kevin Forest Moreau was Editor-in-Chief of The Sunday Paper. You can reach out to him on Twitter @KFMoreau, on Facebook (Kevin Forest Moreau), at or via e-mail at

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